Biscuit contributors

Biscuit is provided as a spec and a series of libraries, all open-source. Some contributions are done on free time, some as part as paid work.

If you manage or work for a company that has a vested interest in biscuit, you should contact the biscuit team to discuss sponsoring opportunities.

Core team

Geoffroy Couprie

Geoffroy has worked on distributed systems security for over a decade, and is now a Senior Staff Engineer at Apollo GraphQL. He is in charge of the biscuit spec and the reference implementation, biscuit-rust. He contributes regularly to biscuit-wasm and the web-based tooling.

Clément Delafargue

Clément is a functional programmer working at Outscale. He co-authors the spec, contributes regularly to biscuit-rust, and is in charge of various bindings (wasm, python, web tooling), as well as biscuit-haskell and the CLI tooling.

Corporate sponsors


Outscale is now the main corporate sponsor for biscuit by allocating a sizeable part of Clément Delafargue's schedule to biscuit.

Clever Cloud

Clever Cloud has kickstarted and sponsored the early development of biscuit (v0 and v1), when Geoffroy Couprie worked there.