the Biscuit project is joining the Eclipse Foundation
The Biscuit project is designed to be the core authorization component in large-scale distributed systems. As such, it needs to be stable, safe, but it also became apparent that it should provide assurances for users that it will be supported for a long time, with a clear governance. To that end, Biscuit is joining the Eclipse Foundation, which will provide it with a stable home, support and resources to help it serve a larger number of users. We thank Outscale for sponsoring the transition and walking us through the process.
Practically, this means that the project will be renamed to Eclipse Biscuit, with the same maintainers as before, Geoffroy Couprie and Clément Delafargue, while Cédric Corbière will take up maintenance of biscuit-java. The repositories will gradually move to the Eclipse Biscuit Github organization. The specification effort after version 3.3 will happen under an Eclipse working group. Biscuit stays a community project, open to any outside contributions, though it will now ask of contributors to sign the Eclipse Contributor Agreement, which contains a developer certificate of origin. This ensures that contributors have the right to submit their proposals, but they still own their contributions.
To be clear, the Eclipse Contributor Agreement is not a Contributor License Agreement (CLA). See the ECA FAQ for more information.
We're excited about joining the Eclipse community, and feel this will make the project even stronger in the future.